www.imm.com.pl website Terms and Conditions

1. General Provisions
1.1. This Terms and Regulations (hereinafter referred to as „Terms and Conditions”) provides terms of use of imm.com.pl website (hereinafter referred to as „Website”).
1.2. The Controller of the Website is Instytut Monitorowania Mediów S.A. with the registered office in Warsaw at ul. Przyokopowa 33, 01-208 Warszawa (hereinafter referred to as „IMM”).
1.3. The Website provides access to the following online services:
a. Ordering the following services: newsletter, free of charge trainings, subscription to the mediaContact Database,
b. Submitting an inquiry/request for quotation of IMM services,
c. Contacting the Controller with the use of forms available on the Website,
d. Access to contents of IMM materials, this including e-books, reports, manuals and articles,
e. Logging into an account assigned to the service/functionality: Internet Monitoring, Social Media Monitoring, Press Monitoring, Radio Monitoring, Television Monitoring, Advertisements Monitoring adMonit, Automatic Monitoring of the Internet (ami), mediaContact Database, Press Office, Reports and Analyses.
1.4. Website User (hereinafter referred to as „User”) is expected to fulfil the following technical requirements for the purpose of a proper use of the Website: access to the Internet, the Internet browser (Firefox version minimum 93.0; Chrome version minimum 94.0.4606.81; Microsoft Edge version minimum 94.0.992.47; Opera version minimum 79.0.4143.72; Safari version minimum 13.1.1). Hardware requirements for Website use are parallel to hardware requirements of the used Internet browser.
1.5. Unless otherwise stipulated for a specific IMM service, Website use is free of charge and does not require creating a User account on the Website.
1.6. Paid IMM services presented on the Website are dedicated exclusively to entrepreneurs unless otherwise stipulated by IMM.


2. mediaContact DataBase
2.1. mediaContact is a service which enables sending information to a database of authors and journalists.
2.2. Registration in the mediaContact justify;Database is available for any natural person who is an author and/or a journalist. Subscription to the database is effected by filling in a form available at https://www.imm.com.pl/english/forjournalists or upon request submitted at the email address imm@imm.com.pl.

2.3. IMM shall have the right to refuse to subscribe a person to the database or to erase the person from the database upon its own discretion. IMM shall inform such a person of this fact by sending an email.
2.4. Erasure or modification of data in the database takes place upon a request of the User registered in the database submitted to the email address imm@imm.com.pl. Erasure or modification shall take place immediately upon having received the pertaining request from an authorised person.
2.5. Persons registered in the mediaContact database receive messages from IMM Clients who are interested in contacting journalists. A form and a detailed scope of received content depend on parameters described in course of registering in the mediaContact database.
2.6. IMM does not verify delivered content or whether they infringe upon third parties interests. Such a verification shall be performer by those who deliver and use the sent materials and information.
2.7. Access to personal data contained in the mediaContact database is granted exclusively to authorised persons.
2.8. Detailed terms of the mediaContact database use by IMM Clients are provided in the Terms and Conditions attached to an agreement. The agreement for using the mediaContact database by a client is concluded in writing.


3. Trainings and e-book
3.1. IMM enables to sign-up for trainings by filling in a form available on the Website. Trainings may concern in particular the mode of using IT tools provided by IMM.
3.2. Unless otherwise stated in a description of a training, trainings are free of charge and take place in the IMM seat.
3.3. IMM shall have the right to deny participation in a training without stating any reason, in particular in the case of lack of available dates and places for trainees. IMM shall inform of a denial of the right to participate in the training and also of any changes in the training (date, place, agenda) by sending an email.
3.4. IMM is allowed to distribute training and promotional materials in course of the training. A trainee has the right to use such materials for their own needs and for the purpose of the conducted business activity. User is not authorised to modify the materials or to distribute them without the approval of IMM.
3.5. IMM provides on the Website an option to download an e-book titled „Media 360”. The e-book’s size is 23,7 MB and it can be downloaded in PDF format. User has the right to use such material for their own needs and for the purpose of the conducted business activity. User is not allowed to modify the e-book or to distribute it without the approval of IMM, except for situations provided under what is known as fair use as defined in copyright law.


4. Inquiry and request for quotation
4.1. IMM, by forms provided on the Website, enables to submit inquires or requests for evaluation of services provided by IMM.
4.2. IMM shall act in due diligence in order to reply to submitted inquires within one business day since having received the inquiry. Shall the inquiry be complicated, this deadline may be prolonged and IMM will inform the User of this fact by email sent to an address provided in the inquiry form.
4.3. Submitting an inquiry or a request for evaluation and replying to the inquiry or the request by IMM shall not constitute a binding agreement for providing services. The conclusion of an agreement requires a written form or filling in and acceptance of an agreement form provided by IMM.
4.4. IMM services shall be provided in compliance with terms stipulated in Terms and Conditions and also the agreement templates which are to be found on the Website or which are rendered available upon request submitted by filling in the form or by sending an email.


5. Newsletter
5.1. IMM enables to sign-up for a free newsletter on the Website.
5.2. Sign-up for a newsletter requires providing an email address.
5.3. Users signed up for a newsletter receive information of the following subjects: news in the IMM media monitoring, news in the media monitoring industry, promotions and special offers for the IMM media monitoring services, information on the industry events and conferences (marketing and PR), in which IMM participates as a partner or a sponsor, this including a possible sale of admission tickets or distribution of promotional codes for the purchase of admission tickets for a given event and also information about IMM’s pro-social activities. Information contained in the newsletter may constitute commercial information as stated in the Article 2 of the Act of 18 July 2002 on providing electronic services, which may be concern IMM and its partners.
5.4. Newsletter is sent once every two weeks.
5.5. Resignation from the newsletter is possible by clicking on a dedicated link to be found at the bottom of every message sent within the frames of the newsletter.
5.6. Any inquires and remarks concerning the newsletter shall be submitted at newsletter@imm.com.pl. IMM shall endeavour to respond to Your inquiries within 10 business days.


6. Account
6.1. Website operates as an account. The account serves to using the following functionalities and services: Monitoring of the Internet, Monitoring of social media, Monitoring of press, Monitoring of radio, Monitoring of television, Monitoring of advertisements adMonit, Automated monitoring of the Internet (ami), the mediaContact Data Base, Press Office, Reports and Analyses.
6.2. Logging into the account requires providing the following data: login and password. Login details are provided by IMM upon signing the agreement.
6.3. Modification of login details for the account requires the submission of a request at imm@imm.com.pl or dyzur@imm.com.pl or at an email address of the account manager and is executed with regard to the agreement or a change of login in the client’s panel.
6.4. The account is erased within 7 days since termination of the agreement or in compliance with terms of the agreement.
6.5. User is obliged not to disclose the login details to third parties without an explicit consent of IMM. Any operations conducted with the use of the account shall be interpreted as operations conducted with the approval of the User to which a given account was assigned.
6.6. Materials and information accessible upon having logged into the account can be used exclusively by the User, in compliance with terms of agreements concluded by IMM.


7. Intellectual Property and Liability
7.1. Shall any content be fed onto the Website, the User guarantees that the pertaining content will not infringe upon any regulations of binding law, this including third parties rights.
7.2. User is obliged to abide by the Terms and Conditions and also to refrain from any activity which could potentially disrupt a proper functioning of the Website, this including in particular:
a. Disrupting the functioning of the Website by using malware,
b. Refraining from making attempts to gain access to information not intended for the User, this including access to other users’ accounts on the Website.
c. Using any content of the Website exclusively for the purpose of authorised use as stipulated in the copyright law or in a way explicitly approved by IMM.
7.3. The content of the Service, this including all its publications, photos, graphics, videos, trademarks, reports, analyses, guides are subject to copyright and intellectual property law and as such are protected by regulations of the binding law, this including the above mentioned copyrights and intellectual property law. Any acts of copying, downloading, modifying, reproducing or distributing the content of the Website in other way than envisaged in Terms and Conditions is strictly forbidden.


8. Complaints
8.1. Complaints, remarks and inquiries related with the functioning of the Website shall be submitted by email sent to imm@imm.com.pl.
8.2. For the purpose of facilitating handling the complaint, the complaint shall contain the User’s email address and also a detailed description and reasons of the complaint.
8.3. IMM shall answer a complaint within 14 days since its reception.
8.4. Failure to handle a complaint or negative consideration of a complaint does not deprive the User of the right to raise claims in accordance with common law.


9. Final Provisions
9.1. These Terms and Conditions may be modified provided that it does not violate the rights acquired by Users. Changes to Terms and Conditions shall be published on the Website 14 days in advance.
9.2. Detailed rules of the processing of personal data and the use of cookies are described in the Privacy Policy available at https://www.imm.com.pl/english/privacy.



The service allows you to view and analyse publications released on the Internet and in social media, as well as in the press, radio and on television. The result of monitoring is presented in an intuitive application, whose functionalities reduce the time needed for the analysing the publications. Using this tool, you will also create bulletins and statistical reports on your own, or export lists of publications in selected formats. Check how it works – order a free test today!

Analytical Module

The Analytical Module presents monitoring results for all the media in the form of interactive graphs and tables. It facilitates searching for the most popular topics and insights. Using the application, you will also analyse the effects of a selected brand’s communication in comparison with its rivals. You can download all the graphs and tables in a few formats, and you can export source data into an xls spreadsheet. Order a free test of any type of media monitoring, and check the possibilities of the Analytical Module!


The AMI application presents the monitoring result with regard to portals and social media. An unlimited number of keywords and the possibility of creating monitoring rules on your own allow you to screen out irrelevant information and the Web spam. The records are updated on a real time basis, which is key at running social listening, but also at projects on hate speech and crisis situations. Using AMI, you also receive the access to archive Web files since 2007, and a complete analytics of records in the Analytical Module. Check all the possibilities of AMI in a free test now!


The MediaContact database of journalists is an application designed for persons keeping media relations. On the basis of an ongoing media monitoring, the database is constantly updated and supplemented with new contacts. It guarantees that the sent message will be delivered to journalists actively publishing articles on selected topics. An element of the MediaContact database is the Press Office, which allows to create and administrate the mailing of press releases, and their publication on a website. The Office is free of charge to all the users of the MediaContact database. Check how it works in a free test!

Press Office

The MediaContact database of journalists is an application designed for persons keeping media relations. On the basis of an ongoing media monitoring, the database is constantly updated and supplemented with new contacts. It guarantees that the sent message will be delivered to journalists actively publishing articles on selected topics. An element of the MediaContact database is the Press Office, which allows to create and administrate the mailing of press releases, and their publication on a website. The Office is free of charge to all the users of the MediaContact database. Check how it works in a free test!


Admonit is a tool for analysing and reporting the advertising spending on the television, radio and press. If you want to: analyse the advertising expenditure of a company/brand and its rivals, verify the use of individual communication channels in a specific sector/company, and monitor easily the advertising market and new campaigns appearing there – please test Admonit for free today!

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